Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Reactions to the Reactions to the Most Recent Middle East Meltdown.

Disclaimer:  As a courtesy to the idiots and dishonest floating around out there I want to be clear: I do not endorse violence, I don't wish harm to anyone, and anyone reading should not take it as such.

Full Disclosure:  I was initially going to call this post, "Is it time to for Christians to behead those who insult Christ?"  Another idea was, "Proof violence makes the world go 'round."

The original title was a throwback to a very common phrase thrown around at rallies for the "Religion of Peace."

This is not an isolated occurrence...
On September 11, 2012 the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya was attacked and four Americans, including the US Ambassador to Libya, were murdered.  At the same time the US Embassy in Egypt was also attacked.  We're told that this is all because of a YouTube video.  We nearly saw the same thing a while back when a Florida preacher threatened to burn a copy of the Koran.  I could get into how there is evidence that the attacks were coordinated by al Qaeda.  I could get into the bungled handling by the Obama Administration (shocker!).  But that's not why I'm writing today.  There will be time for that.

Initially, the media settled on bashing Mitt Romney for speaking out on the issue.  If you haven't seen video of Romney's statements, I highly recommend you do so.  It gives you a glimpse of how much better handled US foreign policy could be.  I'm of the opinion that someone had to make a statement since the current President was too busy campaigning and touting how much money he's raised.

But once it was clear the attacks on Romney were a losing proposition, the media and left have gone to their default.  That is conceding and apologizing for American rights.  The issue, to them, is not that we have thousands to millions of people who will run amok at the slightest provocation.  At best, they line the streets and trample each other to death.  At worst they go on killing sprees and burn their own cities down.  No that's not the issue.  The issue is that someone would dare insult their prophet.  As I am typing this, the man is in hiding and the federal government is scrambling to find a way to go after this man.  First amendment be damned!  We must appease to stop the temper tantrum.

No doubt around the Internet, or around your sphere of influence, or even on TV you've heard how "radical Christians" are just as bad (if not worse!) as radical Muslims.  You know those radical Christians like chicken sandwich peddlers with the audacity to say they support man/women marriages...

This is of course is complete and total B.S.  Are there crazies in the name of Christ?  Sure, but Christian Radicals are your local tee-ball team compared to Radical Islam's NY Yankees.  A quick Google search for "radical christians attack" shows the second result for a news story where Muslims are killing Christians.  The top result is for wikipedia's "christian terrorism" article.  Citing such recent examples as the Spanish Inquisition.  It's very telling.  The fact of the matter is that Christians simply are not as violent, radical and volatile as our Muslim counterparts (this includes the most "radical" Christians).

Let's face facts, the offending YouTube video was, well a YouTube video.  Christians have an entire multi-billion dollar apparatus that dedicates its time to mocking Christianity.  The entertainment industry, the Democrat Party, the media.  All of these folks take no issue with mocking and denigrating Christianity.  The very people hand-wringing, apologizing for and denouncing the man and his rights that made that video possible call insults to Christ "art."
pictured: "art."  and yes that is urine.
All this, and these phonies want to thump their chests and pronounce who "edgy," "provocative" and "politically incorrect" they are.  How brave of you to mock the savior of a group of people who are going to react by verbally disagreeing then running off to a bake sale for injured vets or something.  Maybe they'll volunteer at a soup kitchen or have a knitting club too!

That's the real meat of this.  The Bill Maher's of the world mock Christians because they have a great deal of confidence that no one is going cut their throats over it.  There will be no bombs, no shooting, no beheadings.  None of that will happen.  Period.

Make no mistake, they don't hold Islam in higher regard than Christianity.  They are afraid, plain and simple.  They are scared enough that not only will they will not insult Islam, but they will also sell out their rights and the rights of others.  They are practically begging to rescind the freedom of speech when it pertains to Islam.  They want so bad to offend someone, but not someone who will retaliate.  In short they are bullies and cowards.

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